June - A HUGE congratulations to Dr. Sam Addante, who defended her dissertation and graduated from Oklahoma State University's Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program! We are so proud of your Dr. Addante!
EMBRACE officially started recruiting participants in May.
We are so excited to welcome our newest research staff member to the team. Welcome Livi!
A BIG congratulations to graduate student, Gina Erato, who matched and will be completing her predoctoral internship at Brown University!

Dr. Ciciolla Presents at the Dean Lela O'Toole Seminar Series on fostering resilience in early child care settings on November 2!
In September, Gina Erato successfully proposed her dissertation on perinatal sleep difficulties, social support, and postpartum depression! Congratulations Gina!
Kristin Fields successfully proposed her thesis on the effect of maternal emotion dysregulation on maternal ACEs and infant social-emotional outcomes! Congratulations Kristin!
Graduate Student, Sam Addante, was recently awarded the American Psychological Foundation (APF) National Register Internship Travel Scholarship AND the OSU Foundation Distinguished Graduate Fellowship!
In May, Ashley Quigley successfully proposed her thesis on the impact maternal-fetal bonding, prenatal anxiety, and infant temperament have on infant sleep regulation! Congratulations Ashley!
Welcome to incoming graduate student Elizabeth Hinckley! She joins us in August 2022 with a Bachelor's in Biopsychology, Cognition & Neuroscience from the University of Michigan.
A BIG congratulations to graduate student, Sam Addante, who matched and will be completing her predoctoral internship at the University of Chicago Medicine!


CAMP lab RAs are moving on to several exciting opportunities after graduation. Sky got accepted into Antioch University for Master's of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Sami got accepted to University of Denver's for Master's of Counseling Psychology, Haley got accepted to OSU for Master's of Counseling, Irene accepted a Research Coordinator position at OU, and Mary Kate accepted a Research Coordinator position ar LIBRE Institute. Congrats CAMP Lab grads!
Alexa Gillam was the Psychology Department Student of the month for May 2021! We are so lucky to have you in CAMP Lab, Alexa!
Mary Kate was nominated as the Psychology Department's Outstanding Senior for the 2020-2021 academic year
Sam & Gina both were chosen as Remember the 10 award receipients! Additionally, Sam received the Phoenix Doctoral Award for her leadership!
Dr. Ciciolla, Sam, Gina, Ashley, and Kristin presented flash talks and posters at SRCD's virtual international conference in April 2021.
Gina successfully defended her Master's thesis on female friendship and social support during pregnancy. Congratulations, Gina Erato, M.S.!
Ashley Quigley started seeing clients at OSU's Psychological Services Center!

Sam successfully defended her Master's thesis on post-traumatic growth following interpersonal and non-interpersonal trauma. Congratulations, Samantha Addante, M.S.!
Sky Triece was the Psychology Department Student of the month for September 2020! We are so lucky to have you in CAMP Lab, Sky!
Please welcome Kristin Fields as our incoming graduate student! Kristin joins the CAMP lab in July 2020 with her Bachelor's in Psychology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville!
Mira graduated from OSU in May 2020 and will be beginning her postdoc as a Pediatric Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow at Nemours Children's Hospital in Orlando, FL this fall. Congrats, Dr. Armans!
Irene De La Torre defended her Honor's Thesis titled The Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation in Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health Risk Behaviors before graduating in June 2020. Congrats, Irene!
Sam was chosen as one of OSU's Remember the Ten award recipients and was also nominated for the Psychological Associate of the Year for 2019-2020!
Gina proposed her Master's thesis on female friendships protective factors that affect perinatal mood and anxiety disorders!
Dr. Ciciolla is a reflective consultation leader in the 2nd Reflective Consultation Learning Collaborative.
Warmest welcome to our newest graduate student, Ashley Quigley! She joins CAMP lab in August 2019 with a Master's degree in Psychological Research with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology from Western Kentucky University!
CAMP lab helped with Mighty Mouth Camp at OU Health Science Center for children with Selective Mutism. Dr. Ciciolla coordinated the parent training sessions, Sam helped plan and organize the camper events, and Gina was a first-time counselor. In all there were 17 campers from 5 states and 2 countries.
This summer Sky Triece and Tinh Dang joined CAMP lab as McNair and American Indians into Psychology (AIIP) scholars. They both conducted their own studies, wrote manuscripts, and presented posters. Their work was highlighted on OSU's website. We were lucky to have them work with us this summer.
Sam proposed her Master's thesis on post-traumatic growth following interpersonal and non-interpersonal trauma!
Mira matched at her top internship site, Mailman Center for Child Development, in Miami, FL! We are so sad to see Mira leave, but are eager for her as she embarks on her internship year. She was also able to defend her dissertation before her internship started!
Dr. Ciciolla presented at the Chautauqua Conference on Family Resilience on February 22, 2019. This year's conference was focusing on Family Resilience and Recovery: Opioids, and other Addictions and was hosted at OSU Tulsa. Please see the conference website if you are interested in learning more.​

Dr. Ciciolla was awarded a CIRCA pilot grant for her study Sleep Mother and Baby Regulation. The project is currently recruiting pregnant women in local Women's clinics in Stillwater and Tulsa.
Dr. Ciciolla was an invited speaker at OSU Tulsa to speak at the OB/GYN Didactics for medical students and residents. She presented on Changing the Trajectory after Trauma.
Mira Armans has had an exciting year! In Spring of 2018, Mira Armans successfully defended her Master's Thesis on Parenting Stress in American Indian families. In Fall 2018, Mira passed her Comprehensive exam and proposed her dissertation investigating Peer Victimization in Children from Affluent Communities. She is also currently the Associate Director of Therapy Services at OSU's Psychological Services Center. We are so proud of Mira!
The CAMP lab submitted an app idea to the OSU App to Research competition in fall 2018. The SLMBR app intended to collected data for the SLMBR study while also being the first mom and baby sleep tracker on the market. They placed in the top ten out of over seventy applicants! Dr. Ciciolla and Gina presented a storyboard to a panel of judges.
Sam and Mira presented posters at National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology in Kansas City, Missouri.
Sam Addante and Dr. Ciciolla helped children at the Mighty Mouth Selective Mutism Summer Camp held at the Child Study Center at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center.
Sam Addante is now seeing therapy and assessment clients at OSU's Psychological Services Center.
Gina Erato joined the CAMP lab in August 2018. She was previously a Research Coordinator at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin and is interested in maternal mental health during pregnancy and pregnancy loss. Welcome, Gina!
Mel Sokolowski, a senior research assistant, was awarded the Nancy Charlene Malkenhorst Endowed Scholarship! The scholarship is intended for students who are their first in their family to attend college. Mel has been a strong member of CAMP lab and we are so proud of all she has accomplished in her undergraduate career!
Dr. Ciciolla became a Co-Investigator on the Dads and Infant Development in Oklahoma (DADIO) study. This study wants to understand the early life experiences of infants that help infants bounce back from hardships. We are interested in learning how families cope with common and uncommon stressors, how they support each other, and how family interactions affect the health of the entire family and the development of infants. We know very little about how fathers influence infant development and mothers’ health. Therefore, we are studying different types of families to see how family members influence each other’s health.
Dr. Ciciolla was invited to speak at OSU Extension and OK-UP workshop in Tulsa, OK to discuss "How to help your child succeed in school and in life." The event was organized by Amanda Morris, Ph.D. of Oklahoma State University
Dr. Ciciolla was invited to present at OSU Center for Family Resilience Research Seminar Series in Stillwater, OK to discuss "The Parenting Relationship in Childhood Risk & Resilience." The event was organized by Amanda Harrist, Ph.D. of Oklahoma State University.
Dr. Ciciolla was invited to speak at OSU Institute for Building Early Relationships Brown Bag, in Stillwater, OK to discuss "Setting the Stage: Mothers’ Prenatal Mental Health." The event was organized by Amy Williamson, Ph.D. of Oklahoma State University.
Mira was awarded Psychological Services Center Associate of the Year for the 2017-2018 academic year.
Sam Addante joined the CAMP lab in the 2017 fall semester. She graduated from Northern Illinois University and is interested in intergenerational trauma. Welcome, Sam!
Mira Armans transfers to the CAMP lab with an interest in family functioning!
Dr. Ciciolla joins Oklahoma State University's faculty in the Department of Psychology and establishes the Child and Maternal Psychopathology (CAMP) lab!