In the Media
Fox News, May 25, 2021. Pandemic increase in children's panic, anxiety, experts say
New York Times, February 4th, 2021. How Society Has Turned Its Back on Mothers
Shape, January 14, 2021. How the Term "Superwomxn" Can Hurt People's Mental Health
Fox News, July 16, 2020.Researchers: Women shouldering the burden of pandemic life more than men
Child Trend, August 2019. Parental Expectations Increase Kid's Stress
Good Morning America and ABC News, January 23rd, 2019. ‘Invisible labor’ taking a toll on mothers’ well-being: What you need to know
Arizona State University, January 22nd, 2019. Invisible labor can negatively impact well-being in mothers.
Independent, January 22nd, 2019. Emotional responsibility of being a mother damaging women's mental health, study finds
Washington Post, September 28th, 2018. Many teens drink. Rich ones like Kavanuagh are more likely to abuse alcohol.
Arizona State University, May 31, 2017. Kids in high-achieving schools: Addiction down the road?
NPR, Dec 29, 2016. Being mom to a middle schooler can be the toughest gig. (2nd, "Best of NPR")
Arizona Republic, Dec 2, 2016. Pushy parents who prioritize GPA are actually hurting their kids.
PsychCentral, Dec 1, 2016. Parents should not put too much pressure on kids.
Arizona State University, November 30, 2016. Parents should avoid pressuring young children over grades.
Arizona State University, January 21, 2016. Moms, you think babies are tough? Wait until middle school.